Daniela Repetto LogoDaniela Repetto Logo


My story

I am a contemporary jewelry maker. I graduated in painting at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera and was a pupil of Arnaldo Pomodoro at the Centro Trattamento Artistico dei Metalli (TAM) of Pietrarubbia, where I majored in sculpture. I studied goldsmithing under the guidance of Mariano Contin (disciple of Mario Pinton) and learned the fired enamels technique from Luigi Barato. In 1997, I designed and realised, in collaboration with Pupi Perati and commissioned by the Diocese of Pavia, the gold fused glass pectoral cross that was donated to Pope Benedict XVI on the occasion of his visit to the city.

  • From January 2018 I collaborate with the Accademia Ligustica di Belle Arti di Genova of Genoa, that holds a free wax carving course.
  • In March 2017 I held the didactic workshops (curated by the SOA - Scuola Orafa Ambrosiana) on wax carving at the Museo Poldi Pezzoli of Milan.
  • I have been teaching Wax Carving at the Scuola Orafa Ambrosiana of Milan in Via Savona, since 2007 and Fired Enamels at the Istituti Vicenza Formazione since 2015.
  • From 1996 to 2001 I taught both disciplines at the SOA in Via Tadino, Milan.

I have participated in the following SEMINARS:

  • October 2014 Workshop on contemporary jewelry organized by the AGC (Associazione Gioiello Contemporaneo) and taught by Manuel Vilhena, Rieti, Italy.
  • April 2014 Seminar on fired enamelled miniatures organized by CKI (Creative Kreis International) and given by the artist Gillie Byron, Chignolo d’Isola, Bergamo, Italy.
  • May 2015 Seminar on Japanese cloisonné by the artist Kyoko Lio,   curated by CKI (Creative Kreis International), Chignolo d’Isola, Bergamo, Italy.
  • March 2017 Workshop organized at the Scuola Orafa Ambrosiana on the oxidations in fired enamels by Marcelo Bessì, Milan, Italy.

The  EXHIBITS and AWARDS I have participated in are the following

  • February/March 2017 “SCATENATA”, a collective exhibition cured by Alba Cappellieri, Homi and Fondazione Stelline, Milan, Italy.
  • May 2017 EUNIQUE - I was selected as the contemporary jewel representative of the “Italy” stand - Karlsruhe Fair (A).
  • 2016 Next Generation Talent Contest, Jewelry Museum, Vicenza, Italy.
  • 2015 EXPO CKI (Creative Kreis International), Florence, Italy.
  • 2015 Gioielli in fermento, Torre Fornello Awards.
  • 2015 – 2016 DIALOGHI Italia & Giappone. A collective exhibition cured by the Associations AGC and JJDA.
    • Italian Institute of Culture, Tokyo, Japan. July 2015.
    • Kofu Jewelry Museum, Kofu, Japan. September 2015.
    • Museo di Arte Orientale, Rome, Italy. October 2015.
    • Museo del Mediterraneo, Livorno, Italy, 2016.
    • Museo del Bijoux, Casalmaggiore, Italy, 2016.
    • Fondazione Cominelli, Cisano di San Felice, Italy, 2016.
    • Oratorio di S. Rocco, Padua, Italy, 2016.
  • 2015 – 2016 Skin. Museo del Gioiello di Vicenza. Collective exhibit. December 2015 – June 2016.
  • 2015 – 2016 Filo Rosso Bijoux. A collective exhibit in Italy and Slovenia.
  • 2014 45 Mostra dell’Artigianato Artistico Abruzzese, Guardiagrele, Chieti, Italy.
  • 2013 F-utili Gioielli per Emergency. A collective exhibit held at the Museo Marino Marini, Florence, Italy.
  • 2013 Milano Makers – Fabbrica del Vapore. Collective exhibit, Milan, Italy.